Free yourself from anxiety! Turn fear into the path.
How to cultivate a calm mind in the storm of everyday life
Venerable Geshe Dorji Damdul is finally returning to Italy
In a 5-day retreat in the splendid settings of Assisi (Italy), Geshe Dorji Damdul, invited by the association Tso Pema Non-Profit (Lotus Flower Lake) of Rome, will teach us how to cultivate a calm mind in the storm of everyday life.
After three years, we are honored to host Ven Geshe Dorji Damdu again. He is the director of Tibet House (the cultural center of HH the Dalai Lama, in New Delhi) who regularly gives lectures in universities and institutes in Europe, in the United States, and in Singapore, where he teaches philosophy, psychology, logic and Buddhist practices.
He will help us understand how to live as happy beings in these difficult times. Pandemic, war, economic difficulties ... they are robbing us of sleep and peace of mind. Fear and anxiety have become our daily travel companions. Living like this, always with nerves on edge, always under stress, is tiring and unhealthy!
When fear paralyzes us, when anger explodes, when jealousy clouds our thoughts ... we feel helpless: as if we have to face a Tsunami armed with a paper umbrella.
There is positive news though: this umbrella can become a powerful shield. We are not doomed to be subjugated by destructive emotions. Happiness is a 'right' that can be reclaimed.
How? How can we control our mind? Rid ourselves of anxiety and anger? How can we go through the storms of life calmly and positively?
We can find the solutions by using Buddhist psychology of the mind, various meditation techniques, the ability to develop bodhichitta, understanding the conventional and ultimate reality of phenomena; quantum physics will also help us ... in five days of precious teachings we will learn how to turn on the light in the darkness of a tormented mind.
We will take advantage of Assisi, the home of San Francesco, to enrich the teachings with spiritual excursions.
Who is the speaker: Venerable Geshe Dorji Damdul
Since March 2011 he has been the director of Tibet House in New Delhi, the cultural center of His Holiness Dalai Lama. Since 2005, on many occasions he was as the official translator of HH the Dalai Lama and has also worked on the translation of many texts from Tibetan to English, such as 'Mulamadyamikakarika' (Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way) by Arya Nagarjuna, 'Bodhicaryavatara' (Chapter of Wisdom) by Acharya Shantideva.
In 2008 he worked in the United States with Prof. Paul Ekman, world-renowned psychologist (one of the pioneers of the science of facial microexpressions) of the University of California Medical School on the book by HH the Dalai Lama 'Emotional Awareness'.
He was also commissioned, along with a few other scholars, to work on various books by HH the Dalai Lama: 'Beyond Religion', and the series of books 'Art of Happiness', jointly written by HH the Dalai Lama and Prof. Howard Cutler.
He was one of the principal editors of the textbook on Buddhist science and philosophy which is used by Centers and Institutes around the world to study Buddhist philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology and science in greater depth.
In 2002 he obtained the title of Geshe Lharampa (doctorate) from the monastic university of Drepung Loseling. He attended Gyudmed Tantric College for one year for tantric studies. In 2003, the Office of S.S. the Dalai Lama sent him to Cambridge University in England to study English.
Who’s organizing the event:
Tso Pema Non-Profit in Rome is a Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan cultural center. Its goal is to offer the Dharma, the Tibetan culture and to support Tibetan people living in exile.
Practical information
When: 12 - 17 August (arrival after lunch on the 12th, leave hotel after lunch on the 17th)
Where: ASSISI, Hotel Domus Laetitiae (www.domuslaetitiaeassisi.it)
There are single, double, triple and rooms for the disabled. The rooms and teaching hall are air conditioned. You can choose between full board or half board. Limited places in the hotel.
Telephone, email: tsopemanonprofit@gmail.com; WhatsApp: +39 3472273691
Costs: 5 nights in a single room with full board €375, double room full board €325, triple rooms full board €300. There is an added fee of 75 euros to help Tso Pema Non-Profit with the expenses of the translator and travel of Geshe Dorji Damdul.
Language: teachings are in English with Italian translation